Photoshop — Essentials

August 8, 2016 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Team Digital Training Centre
268 Lord Street
Perth WA 6000
$765 incl. GST
(08) 9328 3377

Photoshop CS6This course runs from 9:00am to 5:00pm on Monday 8th & Tuesday 9th August.

This is the first in our Photoshop course series. It provides instruction on how to create professional-looking images for both print & the Web.


After completing this 2-day course, participants will be able to:


Identify the attributes of raster and vector graphics

Manage colour
·      implement Colour Management

Identify the components and capabilities of Photoshop CC
·      organise Photoshop Assets by Using Adobe Bridge
·      organise the Photoshop Workspace
·      customise the Photoshop Workspace

Create basic images
·      manage Image Elements and Formats
·      apply Design Principles, Elements, and Graphic Composition
·      work with Digital Devices

Manage selections and layers
·      use Selection Tools
·      modify and manipulate selections.
·      create and manage Layers
·      arrange and transform layers
·      create Type layers
·      use opacity, layer blending modes, and layer styles

Enhance and retouch images
·      straighten horizontals or verticals and correct perspective convergence
·      enhance Images for tones/contrast, colour cast, and saturation
·      retouch Images

Edit images non-destructively
·      adjust Layers
·      apply Camera Raw

Managing Files in a Production Workflow
·      import, Export, and Organise Files
·      use the Crop tool
·      determine an image’s resolution and dimensions
·      resize images with and without resampling
·      save Images for the Web
·      save Images for Print
·      format Images for Other Programs
·      print single and multiple images on a page or export them to a PDF file intended for printing.


Adobe® Photoshop CC will be used in class. It is much less applicable to earlier versions of the software.